Hello 2023

Upon sitting down to write the first blog of the new year, I felt so much pressure (completely from myself) to make it as motivational as possible because that’s what we do at the start of a new year right? All of my ideas somewhat included the whole ‘new year, new me’ intention. However, I honestly don’t feel like that’s the approach I wish to take this year. Each day feels continual and despite it ticking over to a new calendar year, I still feel like I have the same burdens, the same responsibilities and it’s still the same me. Although, I have definitely set myself some clear goals this year, I have intentionally decided that I will complete those goals not on the basis of it being a new year but more so because they are things that I feel are achievable within the time span of a year. 

So if you’re feeling a little like me, maybe a little bit of a slower start to the year, join the club. Let this be a safe space for us to acknowledge that it’s okay if you haven’t kick started your year with a new diet or exercise plan, stopped bad habits or not doing something every second of every day, we are going to be okay. 

On another note, if you haven’t yet seen the announcement on instagram, our beautiful Creative Director Jess Longhurst has taken the leap and decided to step down from hairdressing this year. She will still continue to be an integral part and the glue that holds this place together but you won’t be seeing her on the studio floor moving forward. We do have our other amazing stylists all of whom are excited to take on new clients so if you were one of Jess’s regulars, don’t worry, we are still here to make your hair dreams come true.


Meet Charlotte


2022… Signed, Sealed & Delivered.